
Roundup Pro Vantage 480 ® 5Ltr Total Weedkiller

Original price was: £89.99.Current price is: £69.99. inc. VAT.


  • MAPP No – 15534
  • Active Ingredient – 480g/l Glyphosate
  • Area Covered – 1.4 Hectares or 14,000sqm
  • Pack Size – 5Ltrs

Roundup ProVantage is the strongest amenity weedkiller on the market. It is a continuation of Roundup ProActive, however Roundup ProVantage contains 480grams of Glyphosate per litre of product, rather than 360grams. It has a very broad technical specification that deals with many of the essential stewardship aspects, such as aquatic approval and non hazardous product label.

Key Benefits of Roundup ProVantage 

  • It’s rainfast within 1 hour on annual weeds, and 4 hours on perennial weeds.
  • Contains 480g/L of Glyphosate, instead of 360g/L, which then blocks the plants enzyme system.
  • High level of Glyphosate increases the area covered per bottle, which means less transportation and less waste.
  • It has a formulated low drift formulation.
  • Non-hazardous clean label as defined by COSHH.
  • An easy to pour bottle.
  • Approved for use in aquatic areas.
  • Approved for control of Japanese Knotweed.

You are able to use a boom sprayer or a knapsack sprayer, click here for knapsack sprayers.

Roundup ProVantage 480 can be used on all weeds on hard surfaces, amenity, enclosed waters and natural surfaces which shouldn’t have any vegetation on it, as well as land next to open water. These include roadsides, paths, industrial sites, car parks, next to ponds, lakes, streams or weedy ground prior to planting or sowing.

How Roundup ProVantage works

Roundup ProVantage is a herbicide which is sprayed on to green leaves where it is absorbed and drawn into the plant’s vascular system. It then stops the production of the amino acids which build the protein the plant needs to grow and survive. The plant effectively starves to death.

Additional information

Weight 5 kg

Application Rate

Hand-held Application Rate

Annual weeds 50 ml to 10 L water
Cut-stump application (coniferous) 150 ml to 1 L water (max. 15% solution)
Perennial broad-leaved weeds e.g. Japanese knotweed 187 ml to 10 L water
Aquatic weeds: floating weeds, water lillies 225 ml to 10 L water
Rhododendrons, ivy and waxy-leaved plants 300 ml to 10 L water
Hand-held weedwiper 1 L to 3 L water

Boomspray Application Rate

Annual grasses and weeds 1 L/ha to 200 L/ha water
Perennial broad-leaved weeds: ragwort, rushes, clover, yellow rattle 3.75 L/ha to 200 L/ha water
Aquatic weeds: floating weeds, water lillies 4.5 L/ha to 200 L/ha water





“By law, everyone who uses pesticides professionally must have received adequate training in using pesticides safely and be skilled in the job they are carrying out.”

As from the 26th November 2015 any individual who purchases pesticides authorised for professional use must ensure that the intended end user holds the relevant specified certificate/s. (Section 9 (5) The Plant Protection Products (Sustainable Use) Regulations 2012)

Pesticides approved for professional use must only be used by users holding the relevant specified certificate/s. (Section 8 (1) The Plant Protection Products (Sustainable Use) Regulations 2012)

(Part III of the Food and Environment Protection Act 1985, and related Codes of Practice)

More information on how to get the necessary certificates is available upon request, and a member of our team will get back to you.

Should you purchase this product please be aware that you are purchasing a professional pesticide product.

Always read the product label before use.

Product Label & SDS


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