- MAPP No – 19875
- Active Ingredient – 240 g/L triclopyr & 60 g/L clopyralid
- Area Covered – 1 Hectare or 2.5 Acres or 10,000sqm
- Pack Size – 1Ltrs
Grazon Pro is a selective foliar acting herbicide for the control of perennial broad leaved weeds such as nettle, bramble, broom, gorse, docks & thistle in grassland. However it also effective on weeds such as dandelion, creeping buttercup and daisy. Grazon Pro replaces Grazon 90, but Grazon Pro still continues to offer the best control via a knapsack. This product is approved for use in a knapsack but not a boom sprayer. Click here for knapsacks.
Key Points
- Rainfast within 2 hours
- Value for money
- It kills to the roots of the weed, resulting in long term control.
- Fast acting, grass safe and controls a broad spectrum of weeds.
- 1L pack will make 16 knapsacks when mixed in 10Ltr batches.
- Safe for pets when dry (normally about 2-3 hours)
Key Info
- Grass and weeds must be actively growing.
- Don’t spray in a drought, or very hot or very cold weather
- Only use on grassland that has been established for at least 1 year.
- Clean the sprayer after use.
- Keep livestock out of treated areas for at least 7 days and until foliage of any poisonous weeds such as ragwort have died.
- Do not cut grass where this product has been used for at least 28 days to ensure it gets to the roots.
- Do not use treated material for composting or mulching
- If grassland has recently been cut or grazed allow 2-3 weeks before the application of this product.
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